If you're looking for a reliable yet affordable XBRL conversion service, then look no further than XBRL.sg. For the year 2023, we are offering a promotion with low prices starting from only $88, giving you the ability to complete your XBRL filing to ACRA quickly and on budget.
Unless exempted, ACRA requires companies to file financial statements in XBRL format. Converting the existing financial statements to XBRL format can be complex and time consuming. It is also critical to ensure the accuracy of the XBRL financial statements filed with ACRA.
At XBRL.sg, we not only manage your XBRL conversion, we also upload the converted XBRL financial statements to ACRA, on your behalf.
All you need to do is to send us a copy of your financial statements. See below Pricing @ XBRL.sg.
On receipt of your financial statements, preferably in Words format, we convert them to XBRL format with the BizFinx system. The converted XBRL financial statements are sent for your review. Upon your final review and payment, our authorised agent will upload the XBRL financial statements to ACRA on your behalf. In the process, we also ensure the accurate rectification of all errors that may surface.
Our team has rudimentary accounting knowledge and is familiar with Words, Excel and BizFinx. Hence, we are able to complete the conversion at good efficiency, yet ensuring accuracy. Our filing agent is a certified accountant with vast experience in handling various types of financial reportings. Such capabilities translate to our high quality output at competitive low pricing, giving you great value in engaging our reliable XBRL conversion and filing service.
* Above prices are quoted based on availabilty of financial statements in Words format. Nominal charge may apply with other format. Contact us for quote.